6 Types of Personalized Content That Will Wow Your Customers

Audiences today don’t just want their content to be personalized — they expect it to be.

In fact, according to a report from SmarterHQ, 72 percent of all consumers will only engage with your marketing message if it is personalized to them. 

But for marketers with limited time and tight budgets, implementing personalization strategies is a daunting task. It can seem technically challenging or even practically unattainable. The good news is, if you deploy visual interactive content in a strategic way, it can be not only possible but profitable. 

Marketers have already witnessed just how effective interactive content can be. In a report from the Content Marketing Institute and Ion Interactive, 87 percent of marketers said that interactive content was better at grabbing audiences’ attention than static content. Another 87 percent said it had helped them achieve their marketing goals, and three in four were planning to use more of it. The investment, it seems, is paying off in spades. 

Let’s take a look at four types of interactive content that can yield huge engagement and returns. 

Interactive Infographics 

Infographics have always been a great tool for engaging your audience. But incorporating animation, hyperlinks, and clickable components can bring them to life…

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