
Creative Pro Week AI Roadmap

This week I was honored to present two sessions at CreativePro Week, the how-to conference for creativepros. My first presentation, AI Roadmap, provided a high-level guide of the best AI tools and tips for designers and creatives. As part of this presentation, I provided a print-ready handout for attendees that included the full deck. The deck included a variety of videos, which can be viewed below.

GoDaddy AIro Promo Video:

Designs.AI Video Maker:

Click here to watch.

UIZard Promo Video:

Canvas Sketch to Image AI Video:

Google AutoDraw AI Video:

MidJourney Tour Video:

Photoshop Generative AI Video:

Click here to watch.

Recolor Using Generative AI in Adobe Illustrator Video:

Glaze, AI Poison Video:

Creative Pro Design AI Summit Presentation

Recently, I had the immense privilege of being the opening speaker for the Creative Pro Design + AI Summit. My presentation, entitled Your Map to AI Adventure and Exploration, discussed the vast world of creative content design using popular AI tools like Midjourney, Adobe Firefly (and cloud features like Photoshop’s Generative Fill), Uizard, and more….

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